29 December, 2020
We kindly invite you to join us online on Thursday, December 3, at 8 pm, on the broadcast of the Milorad Ružić & Sašo Fekonja concert.
Unfortunately, the year 2020 doesn’t allow us to organize concerts of the cycle “Classics today? Tomorrow?” performed in the form we originally envisioned. Faced with the challenge of adapting and finding new solutions, we therefore decided on alternative solutions.
Sašo and Milorad, otherwise co-workers at the music school in Murska Sobota, started creating during this year’s quarantine. With a desire to create, they began to explore the common sound of guitar and saxophone. These instruments do not have central roles in classical music, but they certainly offer an interesting sound combination.
At the last concert of the Classic class today? tomorrow? they prepared a program which first takes us on a travel through dreams, stop in the West Slavic lands, and end in Latin America.
In the virtual environment we will listen to the works of I. Bezget, N. Guestrin, B. Smetana, L. Janaček, Z. Fibich, A. Piazzolla and F. Sora.
Event is supported by the City Municipality of Maribor.
The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is supported by: