26 September – 6 October, 2019
Katowice and Brenna, Poland
The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is looking for participants for the project: Consumerism: the Biggest Problem of Modern Times.
Consumerism – the biggest problem of modern times? – it is an international exchange of youth from Poland, Portugal, Malta, Italy and Slovenia, whose theme is the problem of consumerism in the modern world. During the 9-day meeting in Poland, we would like to exchange experiences regarding this problem seen through the eyes of young people and develop practical solutions, as well as learn about the cultural heritage of our countries. The meeting will be preceded by a preparatory visit and social consultations under which in our countries we will conduct in-depth interviews with the IDI method, which along with the results developed in Poland will serve to elaborate the final research report Consumerism vs Youth.
Youth exchange aims to raise awareness of the problem of consumerism in the modern world, to recognize the scale of this problem and to work out joint answers in the form of short recommendations addressed to other young people.
In the project there will be 35 people from five different states. Participants of the exchange must be from the age group between 18 and 26 years, only the group leader (one person) can be older.
To apply write to: jera@epeka.si
The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is supported by: