8 – 10 October 2024
Bitola, North Macedonia

The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is participating in the international Erasmus+ project “Youth Employability (E-YOUTH): Development and Digital Skills for the Future”. The final seminar of the E-YOUTH project will take place at the Premier Centar Hotel, Bitola.

The final seminar of the E-YOUTH project will be held in Bitola, S. Macedonia, from 8 to 10 October 2024.
The purpose of the final seminar is to present the achievements, results and impact of the project on youth development. The seminar will include keynote speeches, panel discussions, presentations and workshops focusing on youth empowerment, employability and social inclusion.
The project aims to strengthen the capacity of youth organisations in third countries linked to Erasmus+ to improve their ability to provide non-formal learning opportunities to young people with fewer opportunities. This will help to improve young people’s competences and their active participation in society. This project aims to empower young people through capacity building initiatives aimed at promoting entrepreneurial and digital skills.

Expected results and impacts:

  • Increased capacity of youth organisations in Europe and in non-Erasmus+ countries, in particular in promoting entrepreneurship and digital skills.
  • Improved level of competences of young people with fewer opportunities, in particular in entrepreneurship and digital skills.
  • Increased cooperation, networking and exchange of best practices between partners, contributing to the development of a vibrant and inclusive youth work community.
  • Improving young people’s information, communication and media skills to support their active participation in society.
  • Improving the quality and recognition of youth work in Europe and in countries outside the Erasmus+ programme.
  • Contributing to the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy and the 11 European Youth Goals.
  • More opportunities for young people to participate in non-formal learning activities, including mobility activities, and to develop their entrepreneurial and digital skills

    .Partner organisations:

    European Viewpoint, S. Macedonia
    The Association EPEKA, Soc,. Ent.., Slovenia
    PI Genclik Dernegi, Turkey
    Arte e Cultura Sociale, Italy
    EPEKA Youth Programme is co-financed by the Slovenian Youth Office, the Municipality of Maribor and Erasmus+.

    The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is supported by: