18 September, 2020

In the project “Fair Employment – With Youth Work against Youth Unemployment”, co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia and the EU through European Social Fund, Institute for Youth Politics organised the first out of four regional conferences.The event took place in the conference hall of the company Pipistrel d.o.o.. In order to make proposals, actions and ideas of how to address challenges of youth entering labour market, the conference brought together all key participants in the process of youth entering labour market.

Guests of the round table were:

  • Katarina Ambrožič, head of department for social activities in Ajdovščina Municipality
  • Ivo Boscarol, founder, owner and president of the group Pipistrel
  • Tanja Kožuh, director of the the Primorska Technological Park
  • Mojca Kušnjerek, coordinator of the active employment politics
  • Marko Rondič, director of the Regional Chamber of Craft and Small Business Ajdovščina
  • Melita Semič, master’s degree student of microbiology

O projektu:

Cilj projekta Fair Employment – Youth Work against Youth Unemployment je trajno vključevanje mladih na trg dela s pomočjo inovativnih projektov, ki pomagajo krepiti splošne in specifične kompetence ter hkrati krepiti aktivno državljanstvo med mladimi. Nacionalni projekt koordinira Društvo EPEKA, so. p., v partnerstvu z Inštitutom za mladinsko politiko, so. p., Raziskovalno izobraževalnim centrom Dvorec Rakičan, Društvom za razvoj prostovoljstva.

Naložbo financirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada.

The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is supported by: