26 – 30 August 2021
Ljubljana and Maribor

The end of the project With youth work against youth unemployment – Fair Employment will be marked with cultural and educational events that will spread in 5 days in Ljubljana and Maribor.

The poor situation of the Roma and the vulnerable young very often does not give them the opportunity to possess the knowledge necessary to enter the labor market. To this end, we invited young people to take part in trainings within the Fair Employment project. In the period from June 2020 to July 2021, the project partners helped more than 70 young unemployed people to develop competencies relevant to employment through non-formal learning. The final conference will take place from 26 to 30 August 2021.

You can see the program of the event here.

You are warmly welcome to join us at all or some of the events!

* To participate in an event, it is necessary to pre-register at anja@epeka.si, where you will indicate which day and how many people will attend.

* The Bademantl day event in Ljubljana is intended only for invited guests.

* Events can only be attended by persons with a certificate of: covid-19 (P), vaccination (C) or a negative test result, which must not be older than 48 hours (T). Entry to the venue is only possible upon presentation of proof of compliance with the PCT condition. Evidence is not required for children under the age of 15 who attend the event with close family members or guardians.

The investment is co-financed by the Youth Office of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Social Fund.