28 August 2021

You are invited to Romani Kafenava, where you can listen to the first Romani female rap group Pretty Loud at 8pm!

PRETTY LOUD is the first Roma female rap group.

It was created within the GRUBB Foundation on the initiative of a group of girls and young women aged 14 to 26.
Traditionally, Roma women are housewives, leave school early and marry young. Pretty Loud breaks this stereotype. They proudly combine rap and hip hop with the Roma sound and contemporary and urban movement with traditional dance to create unique music. Through their lyrics, they send clear messages about the importance of education, the right to choose, independence and say that early marriage is not a Roma tradition. They talk about their daily challenges and hopes, discrimination, but they also talk about love and equality.

Pretty Loud will be available at the first Roma restaurant in Europe, Romana Kafenava! Starting at 20.00.

Reservation of tables is required

Free entry.

The organiser will follow the recommendations of the NIJH to limit the spread of the virus.
The event is organised as part of the Fair Employment project and as part of the Voice of Roma series.
Co-funded by the Youth Office and the European Social Fund. The concert series is supported by the Municipality of Maribor.