30 May, 2021
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
As part of the project entitle Fighting Corruption – Expanding the Union, we held a Training Course in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main organizer was The Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities, BRAVO.
The training course took place from 31 May to 4 June 2021. The lectures provided more information on the problem of corruption in the Western Balkans through lectures, workshops and public interventions, with the thematic focus of the training being whistleblowing. Youth workers from 10 countries participated: Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Spain.
The training was attended by three representatives of the Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent.: Anja Cehnar, Matej Tisaj and Mateo Hočuršćak.
Read more about the daily activities on the project’s website corruption.si under “Activities” posts.