4 March, 2021

On Thursday, 4th March at 6 p. m., we will continue with a cycle of drumming workshops in the multipurpose Roma Center that we have had to temporarily pause due to epidemy in October.

The cycle will be carried out by Marko Soršak – Soki, drummer of the group Elvis Jackson, well known for his 20for20 project, where he gifted 121 primary schools over 600 new musical instruments.

In the workshops, you will learn the basic drumming techniques and learn some basic rhythms used in contemporary music. The workshop will be relaxed and fun. No previous drumming knowledge is required. The number of places is limited, so hurry up and sign up.

The workshops will take place on the first three Thursdays in March 2021 at 6pm for one hour.

Workshops schedule:

  • 4th March 2021 at 6 p. m.
  • 18th March 2021 at 6 p. m.
  • 25th March 2021 at 6 p. m.

Workshop is free of charge, you just have to make reservations at the: epeka@epeka.si.

EU Funds

Projekt delno financirata Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve  in enake možnosti in Evropska unija, in sicer iz Evropskega socialnega  sklada. Operacija se financira iz Operativnega programa za izvajanje  evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014–2020, 9. prednostne osi “Socialna vključenost in zmanjševanje tveganja revščine”, 9.1 prednostne naložbe “Aktivno vključevanje, vključno s spodbujanjem enakih možnosti in dejavnega sodelovanja ter izboljšanje zaposljivosti”, specifičnega  cilja 9.1.2 “Opolnomočenje ciljnih skupin za približevanje trgu dela”.