26 May, 2017
Romani kafenava, Maribor

The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is soorganizing EPALE breakfast which will happen on the 26th May at 9.00 am at romani restaurant Romani kafenava, Gorkega 34, Maribor.

The event is designed as the presentation of the platform which is intended for adult education in Europe. Our intention is that the experts in the fields of adult education get familiar with the platform. We’re trying to adress a wide specter of experts who are working in the field of adult education (workers in museums, at the employment office, etc.). Attendees are offered a breakfast as the first meal of the day through which we invite them to start a new daily routine and visit the platform on their daily basis. We’re kindly inviting you to join us!

More about EPALE.

This project is financed by the European Commission. The content of this announcement only expresses the opinions of the author. The National agency and the European Commission are in no way responsible for any use of the information the announcement includes.

The youth program of the Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport — Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth.