March, 2024 – March, 2026
The Association Epeka, Soc. Ent., is pleased to announce that we are once again a partner in the EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal 2024-2026 project.
EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal is an innovative project dedicated to a sustainable Europe, presenting the European Union’s green objectives in a cinematic context, contributing to the appreciation and understanding of the EU Green Deal ( mainly among young audiences, and providing a platform for a multicultural approach to the Green Agenda. We have successfully implemented the project in the period 2022-2024, involving nearly 5.000 young people into film events in seven Slovenian cities and several thousand others in the streaming part of the program. We are continuing the project in 2024-2026, with a target of at least 23 additional screenings across the country and online participation via
A detailed report on the activities carried out by the Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is here.
Five project partners from four countries and supporters from other parts of Europe have come together again to build a strong, forward-looking alliance with like-minded European allies. Together, we will take on the EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal (hereafter EUYC:GD), a green project launched with great success in March 2022. Thanks to synergies with other EU funding programmes and sustainable NGOs, EUYC:GD has already established itself on the educational, cultural and scientific scene across Europe on a large scale and in a very short timeframe. This stable, efficient, comprehensive and high-quality educational project for a greener and fairer Europe will run for another 24 months in its second phase.
The overall aim of EUYC:GD is to create a strong European community of environmentally aware and responsible young people who are aware of and able to tackle climate challenges. A unique educational platform with a sustainability focus brings young citizens from all backgrounds closer to the green agenda addressed by the European Green Deal – through films and cinema debates with renowned and often well-known experts, an innovative streaming platform and didactic materials –
EU Youth Cinema, which promotes the European Green Deal on its behalf, is driven by sustainability and the need to provide a cutting-edge and film-oriented programme dedicated to the Green Deal to raise audience awareness on the subject.
The full programme is freely accessible to all registered school classes and youth groups, and is also partly available to a wider international audience (also free of charge). The carefully selected European films focus on sharing experiences, presenting solutions for climate protection, showcasing environmentally friendly initiatives and promoting green habits and greener, healthier and more sustainable lifestyles. The project empowers, educates and engages young audiences and shares knowledge and experience about the European Green Deal and its agenda through European films and discussions with invited guests. Starting from this year, additional discussions and workshops will also take place online.
To work together to overcome the challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation, EUYC:GD will involve more countries in its second phase (2024-2026) – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine and South Tyrol in Italy have newly joined. The EUYC:GD community, which in the first phase was built around a streaming platform in six languages and a series of 67 film events for students in teachers (and 30 further film events) in 21 cities in five European countries (Austria, Croatia, North Macedonia, Romania and Slovenia), will thus expand in the next phase to 12 countries and a minimum of 80 regular film events (and dozens of further events) in 33 cities in 11 countries (in Ukraine, the EUYC:GD will be offered only as streaming). There will be at least 10 online discussions free acccesible for everyone interested.
EUYC:GD 2024-2026 will be actively co-created by the same four partners who are already behind the success of the previous edition 2022-2024 EUYC:GD: the LET’S CEE Filmfestival Association and the communication consultancy agency Chapter 4 from Austria, the Scientific Research Association for Arts, Cultural and Educational Programmes and Technology EPEKA from Slovenia and the Go Green Skopje Association from North Macedonia. A new partner in the group is the Ukrainian NGO INNOVATION GENERATION, which will launch the Ukrainian edition of EUYC:GD.
In total, at least 80 regular cinema screenings and dozens of other film events will be offered between April 2024 and December 2026, in 33 cities in 11 countries. In each country, the project partners will present the same film programme with adapted subtitles (in the local language) and different guests.
A streaming platform with up to 50 films (features, documentaries and shorts, including VR) accompanied by various multimedia content such as interviews, statements, trailers, etc. and multimedia material from the European Commission’s Audiovisual Service will be freely available to registered school classes in Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Ukraine and South Tyrol. Many films will be available free of charge worldwide to anyone interested in green topic.
The online presence will be based on highly visited streaming platform with a clear, flexible, compatible and scalable structure for films and freely accessible multimedia content on relevant topics in several languages.
The main EUYC:GD film programme will consist exclusively of European productions and co-productions. To highlight the diversity of languages spoken in the European Union, all films will be presented in their original version with subtitles in local languages, which will be created as part of the project.
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The project is coordinated by:
The project partners are:
- Združenje EPEKA, so.p.,(SI)
The entire program is offered free of charge thanks to EU funding (Program: Audience Development and Film Education) as well as co-financing on the part of the Austrian Ministry of Climate (BMK), the Vienna Insurance Group | Wiener Städtische and the Society for Collection of Audiovisual Materials (VAM). Cineplexx International Cinema Group also supports the project as an exclusive cinema partner. The additional Slovenian supporters (or: co-funders) are Student Campus and the Slovenian Ministry of Public Administration.