11 – 18 June, 2018
Bratislava, Slovakia

We’re looking for the participants for a youth exchange Living Library as a tool to eliminate extremism among youth.

Living Library as a tool to eliminate extremism among youth is a Youth Exchange in Bratislava, which has aim to create opportunity for 21 young people with fewer opportunities between 16-30 years old to see, learn and try out how can personal testimony lead to elimination of extremism. During the exchange participants will get to know and test different forms of storytelling method – written storytelling (ebooks), contact storytelling (in Living Library in festival for students) and online storytelling (Online Living Library – educational platform developed by EDUMA NGO). Our objective is that young Human books will use their experiences to demonstrate how negative attitudes in society could negatively affect quality of life of vulnerable groups of people (young people facing discrimination for their gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, handicap, young parents and single parents, young people belonging to national or another minority). Slovak group of participants who is consisting of experienced Human books will prepare workshops and interactive activities for other participants to transfer their long-term experiences with their own personal testimony and how it affects its people in the audience. Participants will test their gained competences in festival for students Once upon a time in Bratislava and will confirm them by organizing Living library in following activities after returning to their country. All activities of Living Library will target student and youth until 30 years old audience, who we aim to have impact on. Benefits from these activities is that young students confront their own stereotypes and prejudices, has gained interest in social barriers,understand the needs and how life with fewer opportunities and will form critical thinking towardsinformation from media and social networks.

For additional info, please contact: jera@epeka.si

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