25 May, 2021
Roma Station
On Tuesday, 25 May, at 12 noon, we invite you to the VNRC Roma Station for a training session on learning about and preparing a CV in Europass format.
You have already learned about the CV format in the workshop we held on 19 April, but this time we will take a closer look at Europass. You will learn about the basic components of a CV, how to create your own CV and how to update an existing CV within the online application.
You will need a laptop to participate fully in the activity, if you do not have one, please let us know at the address below so that we can provide one for you.
The activity will run from 12.00 to 13.30.
Participation is free of charge. The event will be held in accordance with the recommendations of the NIJH.
For more information, please contact us by email or on Facebook.
The project is part-financed by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the European Union through the European Social Fund. The operation is financed under the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, Priority Axis 9 “Social inclusion and reducing the risk of poverty”, Priority Investment 9.1 “Active inclusion, including the promotion of equal opportunities and active participation, and improving employability”, Specific Objective 9.1.2 “Empowering target groups to move towards the labour market”.