1 June, 2021
Roma Station
On Tuesday, 1 June, at 17:00, we invite you to the VNRC Roma Station for an activity on the basics of sewing and reusing waste items of clothing.
The Sewing and Recycling activity will address two key areas. The first is the idea of ‘upcycling’, which is the process by which we extend the life of a material or product in an upgraded or modified form. This extends the ‘life’ of the original product and reuses it in a different, more topical way. The second area will cover the correct use of a conventional sewing machine, we will learn about sewing tools and their correct use, and we will learn about the laws of fabric – the basic characteristics of knits and woven fabrics. During the workshop, we will work together to make protective masks, which are a useful product at this time, but relatively easy to make.
The activity will take place from 17.00 to 18.30.
Participation is free. The event will be held in accordance with the recommendations of the NIJH.
For more information, please contact us by email or on Facebook.
The project is part-financed by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the European Union through the European Social Fund. The operation is financed under the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, Priority Axis 9 “Social inclusion and reducing the risk of poverty”, Priority Investment 9.1 “Active inclusion, including the promotion of equal opportunities and active participation, and improving employability”, Specific Objective 9.1.2 “Empowering target groups to move towards the labour market”.