6 December 2022, at 10 am – 2 pm
Student Campus, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., organised the final conference of the project Education for Deeper Social Inclusion – From Theory to Practice in Ljubljana.

The event was aimed at presenting the project and the intellectual results it has produced. The aim of the meeting was to present the results of the project to the professional public (adult educators and youth workers facing related challenges), other organisations in the field of adult education (local, national and international), adults with fewer opportunities, public officials, decision-makers and journalists. Within the meeting, time was also dedicated to the exchange of good practices and opinions.

The second part of the conference was dedicated to presentations and lectures by invited guests (experts, decision-makers, policy-makers) and a panel discussion.

Programme of the closing event:

  • 10:00 Opening address by the organiser
  • 10:15 Presentation of the project
  • 10:30 Presentation of the results and innovative tools produced by the project
  • 12:00 Break
  • 12:30 Presentation of the results and innovative tools produced by the project
  • 13:00 Round table: What knowledge and competences do adult educators need today?
  • 14:00 Lunch break
  • 15:00 Planning future collaborations
  • 16:00 Summary and conclusion


The project is coordinated by the Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., and the project partners are

  • Universita Degli Studi Di Roma Unitelma Sapienza (Italy),
  • Regional Cluster North – East (Bulgaria),
  • Fundacja europejski instytut outsourcingu (Poland),
  • Cumbria Credits Ltd. (United Kingdom),
  • EPEKA Berlin (Germany) and
  • EPEKA Serbia.

The project is supported by Erasmus+ and NA Cmepius.

The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is supported by: