18. september 2024
Predsednik Združenja EPEKA, so. p., Štefan Simončič, se bo udeležil webinarja Supporting the development of energy communities: which role for local and regional energy agencies?, ki bo potekal preko interneta, 18. septembra 2024 ob 11.00 uri.
Na Webinaru bodo predstavljena orodja in metodologija katera je bila razvita od strane partnerjev v projektu SCCALE 20 30 50:
- Discover the Community Energy Platform and our different tools for energy communities;
- Understand the SCCALE methodology and and how it can support emerging energy communities;
- Connect with SCCALE partners and other european energy agencies;
- Discuss the role of energy agencies in the development of new energy communities;
Organizator: Sustainable Collective Citizen Action for a Local Europe (SCCALE) 203050
Sofinancira Evropska Unija – Obzorje 2020