6 June 2024, noon
Cineplexx, Kranj
The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is organising a screening of films in Kranj, in the framework of the EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal (EUYC:GD 2024-2026).
EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal is an innovative project dedicated to a sustainable Europe, presenting the European Union’s green objectives in a cinematic context, contributing to the appreciation and understanding of the EU’s Green Deal, mainly among young viewers, and providing a platform for a multicultural approach to the Green Agenda. We have successfully implemented the project in the period 2022-2024, involving almost 5,000 young people in film events in seven Slovenian cities and thousands more in the streaming part of the programme. We are continuing the project into 2024-2026, with a further 23 screenings across Slovenia and online engagement through the website www.euyc.green.
EUYC:GD 2024-2026 will be actively co-created by the same four partners who are already behind the success of the previous edition 2022-2024 EUYC:GD: the LET’S CEE Filmfestival Association and the communication consultancy agency Chapter 4 from Austria, the Scientific Research Association for Arts, Cultural and Educational Programmes and Technology EPEKA from Slovenia and the Go Green Skopje Association from North Macedonia. A new partner in the group is the Ukrainian NGO INNOVATION GENERATION, which will launch the Ukrainian edition of EUYC:GD.
Film info:
Country and year of production: France 2009
Directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Running time: 120 min.
HOME is both a celebration of the beauty of the Earth and a passionate call to protect it from destruction. Compelling and defiantly optimistic, the film travels to 54 countries and looks at the current state of the environment and the factors that will determine its future.
The films are available on the streaming platform from 1 March 2024 – 31 March 2025:
The entire programme is free of charge, funded by the EU (Programme: Audience Development and Film Education) and co-financed by the Austrian Ministry of Climate (BMK), Vienna Insurance Group | Wiener Städtische and the Association for the Collection of Audiovisual Material (VAM). The international cinema group Cineplexx is also supporting the project as the exclusive cinema partner. Additional Slovenian supporters (or: co-financiers) are the Student Campus and the Ministry of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.
The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is supported by: