16 June, 2021

Join us for a workshop on the topic of high and raised garden beams, which we are conducting as part of the Food wave project – “Healthy food for a healthy planet”.

High garden beds have become a hit among gardeners in recent years, both in the city on balconies and in the countryside next to houses. There are cases when such a shape of the shaft is practical, as well as when it is much more practical to choose short raised beams.

16 June is a day of fresh vegetables, so we will answer the questions of all gardening enthusiasts and those who would like to start doing it:

  • how and with what to fill a tall or low garden bed for it to serve us most optimally,
  • in which cases to opt for the low,
  • which wood to use,
  • what care they need and how to optimize it.

All this and more will be presented to you by Andreja Kuhar from the Aktiviraj se association.

To put the theory into practice, we will set up one raised flowerbed in which we will plant strawberries.

Location: roof of GT22, Glavni trg 22, Maribor.
Time: 16.00-18.00

Participation is free!

Applications: https://forms.gle/woCrg3iBnH36bsQ48

The project is supported by the European Commission under the DEAR Program (The European Union’s Development Education & Awareness Raising Program) & the sub-granting scheme FoodWave.

Agenda in PDF: Tall or short raised garden beds

Pictures from the event – GALLERY: