November, 2021

We started implementing a program for greater integration of the Roma community into the local environment.

Lack of information and limited involvement in the local community in various areas also affects the awareness of members of the Roma community about the restrictive measures related to the spread of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Individuals need additional empowerment during emergencies, especially in the field of information and involvement in various forms of teleworking, which is especially faced by younger members of the Roma community.

The program is intended to provide additional support to members of the Roma community during the implementation of measures (school closures, teleworking, additional information on measures, support in managing life situations) and intensive support in integrating into the local community after the end of severe restrictive measures.

The program includes:

  • support for the inclusion of young members of the Roma community in educational programs (technical support, provision of learning assistance, cooperation with local schools),
  • humanitarian activity (distribution of disinfectants, protective masks and other hygiene items to members of the Roma community),
  • educational activity (acquaintance with measures, implementation of trainings for the purpose of integration into society in accordance with restrictive measures),
  • raising awareness of the Roma community about coping with the state of emergency during a pandemic,
  • raising the level of education and information of the Roma community about measures and compliance with them during a pandemic,
  • increasing social inclusion and better knowledge of the local and international environment within the Roma community.

Program is funded by the Municipality of Maribor.