10 June 2024
Roma station

Within the project Strengthening Vulnerable Social Groups through Volunteering, The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is organising the event Volunteering Abroad: Opportunities and Experiences.

Join us for an event to find out more about volunteering opportunities abroad. Together with young people who have volunteered outside Slovenia in the past, we will explore how to volunteer abroad, where to look for volunteering opportunities and what volunteering abroad entails. Our guests will share their experiences, stories and tips on how volunteering internationally contributes to personal and professional growth, while helping to strengthen global cohesion and solidarity.

You will learn how you can participate in European programmes such as Erasmus+ (youth exchanges, European Solidarity Corps, youth worker mobilities) and gain valuable information on the application procedures and the necessary preparation for such activities. Don’t miss the opportunity to be inspired for your international volunteering adventures. The event will take place at 18:00!

If you are unable to attend the event but would like to learn more about volunteering abroad, please contact us at: epeka@epeka.si.