2. – 11. september, 2018
Piatra Neamt, Romunija
Združenje EPEKA, so. p., je partner v projektu Prehod na podjetništvo, ki se bo odvil v Romuniji.
Splošni cilj projekta je spodbujanje vključevanja mladih z manj priložnosti v družbo. Posebni cilji so tudi ozaveščanje in spodbujanje pozitivnega odnosa do socialnega podjetništva med petindvajsetimi udeleženci, ki se bodo projekta udeležili. Projekt se fokusira tudi na razvijanje podjetniških sposobnosti med mladimi z manj priložnostmi, ki prihajajo iz Romunije, Španije, Združenega kraljestva in Slovenije. Med udeleženci bi prav tako radi dvignili zavast o njihovi aktivni vlogi pri socialni vključenosti.
Spodaj najdete predstavitveno besedilo projekta, napisano v angleškem jeziku:
Press release
Project Transition to Entrepreneurship!
Piatra Neamt, 12.12.2017
C.R.E.E.D (Economic Resources and Education for Development Centre) in partnership with other four international organisations from Spain, Slovenia and the United Kingdom is running the international Youth Exchange Transition to Entrepreneurship! This international youth exchange takes place within the project Transition to Entrepreneurship! which is being implemented between 04.12.2017-03.12.2018, with financial support from the European Commission through the Erasmus Plus Programme, Key Action 1 managed in Romania by ANPCDEFP. The youth exchange will bring together 25 young people and 7 group leaders and accompanying persons for 10 days, on the theme of social entrepreneurship. The main activities will take place in Neamt County, Romania, and the main aim of the project is to stimulate the involvement of young people with few opportunities in the life of society.
The specific objectives of this project are:
1. Raising awareness and promoting positive attitudes towards social entrepreneurship among 25 young people with fewer opportunities during 10 days.
2. Developing entrepreneurial skills among 25 young people with fewer opportunities from Romania, Spain, United Kingdom and SL, during 10 days.
3. Raising awareness among 25 young people with fewer opportunities about their active role in social inclusion during 10 days.
During the youth exchange we will organise sessions that will have theme subjects as: What is social economy and entrepreneurship, Benefits of social entrepreneurship, Social needs identification in the community, Ideas to resolve them by using social entrepreneurship, Work on a social enterprise business plan, Best practice models of social entrepreneurship among the world, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Be empathetic! What can I do to help others?, Active citizenship, Volunteer! Invest in yourself! The sessions will be based on non-formal education, the learning process of participants being an easy, creative and fun one.
The expected impact is represented by an increased awareness and knowledge on the topic of social economy and social entrepreneurship, increased sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, ability to realize a social enterprise business plan, increased awareness about their active role in social inclusion, increased empathy, tolerance, understanding the feelings and views of others, ability to respect and socialise with people from various environments, improved communication in English etc. among the participants.
For further information please do not hesitate to contact us at the following addresses:
Contact person: Simona Gherasim, Project Manager
Phone number: +40741577975
Web: www.asociatiacreed.ro / www.creedromania.wordpress.com
E-mail: creedromania@gmail.com
You can find us on Facebook at the address https://www.facebook.com/CREEDromania
“This project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus Plus Programme. This communication reflects only the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. “
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