3 – 5 October, 2023
Vienna, Austria

The transnational training of the Civilhood project, which took place from 3 to 5 October 2023 in Vienna, Austria, has been successfully completed.

The training brought together dedicated participants from Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Slovenia, with the common goal of improving support for Unaccompanied Minors (UAMs).

Key highlights of the training:

  • Day 1 – Introduction and presentations. Georgia Chondrou, representing CESIE from Cyprus, gave a presentation that allowed the participants to get to know each other better. Expert Lisa Wolfsegger then provided valuable insights on “Refugee Children’s Rights in the European Union – The Austrian Context”. The day also included a practical case study on “Resettlement Services” by CODECA from Cyprus, presented by Natasa Aniftou, Social Affairs Advisor.
  • Day 2 – Field visits and recommendations: The second day was marked by a number of field visits and informative discussions. Participants had the opportunity to observe the structure of Kinderfreunde, to learn about their work and activities. The experiences gained during the visits were shared among the participants, highlighting differences, good practices and opportunities for service improvements.
  • Day 3 – Interactive exercise and soft skills workshop: On the last day of the training, an interactive exercise was conducted by trainer Persy Bulayumi. It focused on effective communication with others and highlighted the importance of soft skills in supporting unaccompanied migrant minors.

A collaborative effort for positive change:
Throughout the training, participants from Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Slovenia actively engaged in discussions, shared their expertise and created lasting connections. Two external speakers enriched the discussions and contributed to a dynamic and educational environment.

The Civilhood training facilitated the exchange of training materials, field visits and valuable recommendations for better support to unaccompanied migrant minors. The presence of a former underage immigrant turned trainer and current underage immigrants in Austria added a unique perspective to the discussions.

How to move forward:
The insights gained from this transnational training are invaluable and will undoubtedly contribute to further efforts to support unaccompanied immigrant minors in European countries. Participants left Vienna with a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in their own countries and a network of experts to work with.

Summary of feedback, positive aspects and suggestions for improvement:
Participants in the Civilhood training offered valuable feedback, highlighting positive aspects of the event and areas for improvement. While the feedback highlights many positive aspects, it is also suggested that more time is spent on reflection and information sharing. In summary, the feedback reflects the rich range of findings from the Civilhood training, covering both informational and interpersonal aspects. Participants found the knowledge sharing, networking opportunities and relevance of the activities to be of great value, highlighting the importance of such events in fostering cooperation and understanding between stakeholders.

The project can be followed at:
1. Facebook: The Civilhood Project
2. https://www.linkedin.com/company/civilhoodproject/?viewAsMember=true
3. https://civilhood.eu/sl/homepage-slovenscina/
