18 July, 2016
Ljubljana, Slovenia
On Monday, 18 July 2016, Štefan Simončič, President of the Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., participated in the workshop Social Entrepreneurship in Slovenia and the USA, which took place from 6 pm onwards at the Ustvarjalnik premises in Ljubljana.
The aim of the workshop was to stimulate discussion and transfer knowledge necessary for the development of innovative and successful social enterprises in Slovenia.
Boulder, Colorado is one of the most successful cities in the United States in promoting start-ups, social innovation and social entrepreneurship. The workshop promoted networking, cooperation and knowledge exchange between the US and Slovenia.
The workshop was attended by:
George Deriso, Professor of Entrepreneurship at Watson and Colorado Universities, mentor and coach of start-ups with extensive experience in entrepreneurship and a varied business career. He has founded and managed 9 start-up companies.
Tadej Slapnik, State Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office responsible for Social Entrepreneurship and member of the European Commission’s GECES Expert Group on Social Entrepreneurship.
Nena Dokuzov, Head of the Social Entrepreneurship Sector at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia and alternate member of the GECES Social Entrepreneurship Expert Group of the European Commission.
Matija Goljar, Head of Ustvarjalnik, mentor and coach of new start-ups.