15 April, 2023 – 14 July, 2024

The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., is part of the international Erasmus+ project Green Initiative for a Carbon Neutral Planet (France, Greece, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey).

The project runs for 15 months, from 15.04.2023 to 14.07.2024.

Type of project activity:

  • Mobility of youth workers

Topics covered:

  • Awareness of the European Union
  • Environment and climate change
  • Green skills

Five countries are involved: France, Greece, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.

The project coordinator is from Spain.


As the number of young people engaged in civic participation is declining, it is high time to work on the development of youth workers to prevent this from happening. Through the use of tailored training and practices for youth workers, we can prevent young people from becoming strangers to shaping social and civic engagement.

Aim is to provide training and support to youth workers who want to start engaging with young people in their organisations. Teenagers’ interest is mainly focused on environmental challenges and environmental protection, so the project activities will mainly provide training on these challenges.

As we need to get young people involved and forming groups at local level, the project will also present trainings on augmented reality, robotics and coding related to environmental issues.

The project will enable small organisations, working with young people, to develop their inter-country cooperation and will enable youth workers to work across borders.


During the duration of the project, different types of activities will be carried out, such as:

  1. Training for youth workers:
    – Green Initiative for a Carbon Neutral Planet (Go Green)
    – Respect Nature Save Future
    – Eco-friendly Robotics and Coding and Augmented Reality
  2. Two training courses on working in the shadows – Job Shadowing , in France and Turkey.
  3. An introductory meeting to familiarise participants with the main features of EU projects and to actively participate in the preparation, implementation and follow-up phases of the project.
  4. A workshop, specifically organised after these follow-up sessions, where youth workers will be able to compare the differences between the organisations and draw up a specific plan for implementing the expected changes in their organisations.

Approximately 60 youth workers will participate in the planned activities, coming from different backgrounds and organisations, with different levels of experience, but all with an excellent willingness to improve their competences.


Our Green+ project will provide youth workers with a wide range of non-formal and informal learning opportunities:

  • Inclusion and diversity – each of the organisations will provide easy access to young people at risk of exclusion.
  • Promoting exchanges of non-formal and informal learning – perhaps through participation in training courses, workplace monitoring activities in partner institutions and reciprocal exchange of practices.
  • Improving the competences of youth workers
  • A broader perception of youth work practices
  • Greater awareness of and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity
  • Greater capacity to address the needs of those who are disadvantaged
  • Increased opportunities and possibilities for professional and career development
  • Improved foreign languages of the partner countries and digital competences (English is the common language)
  • Increased motivation and satisfaction of youth workers in their daily work.
  • Innovative and improved ways of cooperation concerning young people

The main outcome of the Green+ project will be an e-handbook of good practices, bringing together :

  • The development of innovative approaches to working with young people
  • Real-time guidance for youth organisations to improve their European cooperation
  • Tips and guidance for youth workers to motivate young people to act and move
  • A comparison between different European youth organisations
  • Guidelines on how to integrate the environment, robotics and augmented reality in everyday practice


  1. IASIS, Greece
  2. L.E.A.R.N. Institute, France
  3. Uluslararası Muğla Eğitim Kültür Ve Sanat Derneği, Turkey
  4. The Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent., Slovenia

Project Report Card


Gallery – Spain

Gallery – Greece

Gallery – Turkey