January, 2021
Mario Fafangel: “Let’s roll up our sleeves, let’s get vaccinated, it’s the only way to end the epidemic.”
The NIJZ (National Institute of Public Health https://nijz.si/) announces:
“Developing a vaccine is a feat of science, now we need a feat of the population, because a vaccine alone will not save a single life – vaccination will. I hope it will be vaccination that will bring us together. When it’s your turn to make a decision, there is only one rational decision – to roll up your sleeve,” Fafangel, who was chosen by the Del editorial board and the readers as Del’s 2020 Personality of the Year, repeatedly said. “I hope that vaccination is the beginning of the last chapter, but above all that moment when we all come together to end the pandemic – at least in some parts of the world, although it would be good to end it everywhere this year.”
Vaccination against covid-19
Vaccination is the simplest, safest and most effective measure to protect against covid-19. It not only protects vaccinated individuals, but also others by reducing the spread of the disease. The key is to protect our own health and that of our family, friends, neighbours, acquaintances and colleagues. By vaccinating against covid-19 in Slovenia, we are pursuing the objectives of reducing mortality due to covid-19, reducing the number of hospitalisations due to covid-19, and protecting the population most at risk from covid-19 infection.
For more information, please contact us by email or on Facebook.
The project is part-financed by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the European Union, through the European Social Fund. The operation is financed under the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, Priority Axis 9 “Social inclusion and reducing the risk of poverty”, Priority Investment 9.1 “Active inclusion, including the promotion of equal opportunities and active participation, and improving employability”, Specific Objective 9.1.2 “Empowering target groups to move towards the labour market”.