January – December, 2022
Roma Station
Our healthy eating workshops will cover a range of topics to help participants understand the importance of a balanced diet and how to achieve it.
Workshops will include:
- basic principles of nutrition, including macro- and micronutrients
- understanding food labels and making informed food choices
- meal planning and preparation
- understanding the impact of different diets on health
- How to balance a vegetarian or vegan diet
- Understanding and managing food allergies and intolerances.
In the workshops, participants will learn about the different foods and food groups that are essential for a balanced diet and how to incorporate them into their daily meals. The workshops will also provide practical tips and strategies for shopping and meal planning, as well as information on how to make healthy food choices when eating out. The workshops will be led by experienced nutrition professionals and will provide a valuable learning experience for all participants, regardless of their prior knowledge or experience. The sessions are scheduled to take place on:
- 22. 4. 2022
- 15. 5. 2022
- 17. 6. 2022
- 22. 7. 2022
- 26. 8 . 2022
- 23. 9. 2022
Participation is free. The event will be held in accordance with the recommendations of the NIJH. For
more information please contact us via email or on Facebook.
Projekt delno financirata Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti in Evropska unija, in sicer iz Evropskega socialnega sklada. Operacija se financira iz Operativnega programa za izvajanje evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014–2020, 9. prednostne osi “Socialna vključenost in zmanjševanje tveganja revščine”, 9.1 prednostne naložbe “Aktivno vključevanje, vključno s spodbujanjem enakih možnosti in dejavnega sodelovanja ter izboljšanje zaposljivosti”, specifičnega cilja 9.1.2 “Opolnomočenje ciljnih skupin za približevanje trgu dela”.