22 December 2023
Roma Station

The Association for Connecting Roma Women Loli Luludi and the Association EPEKA, soc.ent., cordially invite you to the closing event of the project “Encounters with the Past“. The event also included a presentation of the international Romheritage project (http://romheritage.eu).
This is an event co-financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia as part of a public call for the selection of cultural projects aimed at the Roma community in Slovenia. The project “Encounters with the Past” has been focused on preserving and promoting the awareness of folk heritage among members of the Roma community. We are proud to have enabled participants through various activities to deepen their understanding and respect for traditions, customs, and rituals. Join us on a journey through rich heritage, where we will present the traditions collected through this year’s activities.

The event will be held on Friday, December 22, 2023, at 4 PM within the premises of the Association EPEKA (Gorkega Street 34, Maribor). We look forward to your visit! Please confirm your attendance in advance via email at loliluludi.slo@gmail.com or epeka@epeka.si.