1 March, 2019
Maribor, Slovenia
The Association EPEKA. Soc. Ent., together with the Roma Youth Aid Society, is organising a series of workshops aimed at educating members of vulnerable social groups about the importance and role of social entrepreneurship in society and the employment opportunities it offers. The series of workshops will take place on a monthly basis and will be free of charge for participants.
The seventh workshop in the series will take place on 1 March 2019 at the Roma Station at Preradovičeva 1 in Maribor. Together with the participants, we will review past calls for proposals that would allow the co-financing of a social enterprise in its infancy. We will present the basic call logic, good practices in call preparation and ways in which an applicant can stand out from the average.
The workshop will run from 17:00 to 20:00 with a 15 minute break. Participation is free of charge. Participants are kindly requested to bring a laptop, if you do not have one, please inform us at least 5 days before the event so that we can provide one for you – ziga@epeka.si